J.HYDE Wallet
A hassle free monthly payment plan for your next glasses purchase.
Enjoy a 10% cash top-up reward and a FREE Eye Test.
Zero contract tie-ins.

Pay monthly into your J.HYDE wallet and we will give you a 10% cash top-up reward and a FREE eye test when you are ready to purchase.
No contracts or minimum terms. Cancel at anytime.
How it works
Step one - Select a monthly amount
Choose from £10, £25 or £50 per month.
Step two - Select your duration
Choose from 3, 6 or 12 months.
Step three - Get a 10% bonus top up and a FREE eye test
Receive a 10% top up to the amount you have saved in your J.HYDE wallet, and redeem the total to spend at J.HYDE with a FREE eye test.
Pay £25 per month into your J.HYDE wallet for 12 months. Your balance of £300 will be topped up by 10% to £330. Have a FREE eye test and redeem your wallet to spend at J.HYDE.
The boring stuff!
The J.HYDE Wallet direct debit scheme: Client becomes eligible for an eye test
after 28 days from sign up to the J.HYDE wallet. No refund is available for eyecare/eyewear already provided. All J.HYDE Wallet benefits are redeemable only by named person on the J.HYDE Wallet. Package valid until your membership ceases by the cancellation of your direct debit payments. A record of the redemption of these entitlements will be held in your sales history. Non-refundable or transferable on already purchased eyewear. Cannot be used with other offers or vouchers or exchanged in part or whole for cash. New eyewear must be to your prescription only. 10% top up applies to a named J.HYDE Wallet client only, once per year at one store only. Current valid prescription required. Alternatively, an free eye test will be offered.